Customer Reviews
Family Ties Floral
Local Pikeville, KY florist
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 of 5 stars. (2 reviews)
Date: Aug 11, 2023
Name: Deborah S


Viola’s (Queen Mum of Marrowbone) funeral spray and 2 vases were extraordinarily beautiful! The fresh flowers were flawless! Combination of colors were exactly as we requested! It was the most beautiful spray arrangement I’ve ever seen! Thanks Dharma and Lou!
Lou Ella Mattingly's Reply:
Date: Aug 12, 2023, 8:06 am

It was an honor and we sure appreciate you all letting us take care of it.
Date: Mar 09, 2023
Name: Jon J


This was a perfect gift basket for our colleagues. The only feedback I can give would be to better explain the three pricing options you have for this basket on your website. The pic is the same for all three options and there isn't an explanation of what the options mean in the description portion. Otherwise, it was perfect. Delivered on time and our colleagues really appreciated the snacks!
Louella Mattingly 's Reply:
Date: Mar 09, 2023, 2:37 pm

Thank you so much for your feedback! Our web site is produced by a third party and I had no idea that the pricing was described (or not described) in that way. I have gone in and left only one option to make it more customer friendly. Thank you and have a wonderful day!